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The farmers below have committed supply to Taupō Beef - to learn more about Our Story and the background of Taupo Beef, please click here.

Ruby and Sean.JPG

Ruby Mulinder and Sean Nixon - Waihora Farm

Ruby and Sean live on the north western side of Lake Taupo where they own a 142 ha beef and sheep property overlooking the lake.  More than 20% of the farm is in conservation and riverbank plantings. Their farm has been the site of a seven year trial by Ag Research Ltd looking into methods of mitigating nitrogen leaching from beef farming systems.  In addition, Landcare Research Ltd have established a permanent deep drainage laboratory / lysimeter facility on the farm so as to continue researching ways of lessening the environmental footprint from food production.

Hurakia Trust

Hurakia Trust

Manager Nathan Wyllie and his team look after a 2000ha Maori Trust beef and sheep farm with a multigenerational commitment to the Lake Taupo area. At least 25 percent of the property is in either conservation or riparian plantings.  They have been involved with Ag Research to test ways of mitigating nutrient leaching from hill country beef systems.


Hurakia Station is one of our breeders of Taupo Beef. It is both a breeding and finishing operation and half the Angus cows are sired by a Charolais bull. The progeny are transferred to other Taupo Beef Farmers.  They also provide finished/prime 'Taupo Beef and Taupo Lamb'.

Waitui Kuratau cows and calves landscape

Tuatahi Farming Partnership 

Tuatahi Farming Partnership consists of 6 farms in the Central North Island.

The owners- Puketapu and Orakura Hapu are dedicated to the preservation of the land and waterways for future generations.

Two of the farms - Moerangi Station and Tongariro are in the 

south of the Lake Taupo Catchment and supply 'Taupo Beef and Lamb'.

Moerangi Station totals 4,926ha with over 2000ha in conservation or riparian native vegetation. The balance carries 10,000 breeding sheep, 3,500 hoggets. 500 breeding cows and 3000 breeding deer (hinds).

Both Moerangi Station and Tongariro are trial farms for Waikato Regional Councils' new OVERSEER FM Version for monitoring and auditing farm environmental performance.

Waihi Pukawa

Waihi Pukawa situated in the Southern Central Plateau, is owned by approximately 4000 people of Ngati Tuwharetoa descent.

The area under management is approximately 6,400ha with 1050ha in native vegetation and forestry. The effective farmed area is 5,350ha.

The management philosophy underpinning the operation is "To farm within the land's limits and to provide an enduring return to the owners.

The very large scale breeding and finishing property has been ably managed by Colin Gates and his team since 2011.

Running 950 breeding cattle, 13,000 breeding ewes and 6,100 breeding deer (hinds) they have been a valued supplier to 'Taupo Beef and Lamb' since 2016.

In 2006 Waihi Pukawa was The Eastern Region "Maori Farmer of the Year".

Anne and Alex Richardson - Bracken Brae Farm

Bracken Brae Farm is on the western shores of Lake Taupo. Anne and Alex and their family have lived on and loved this land for 26 years.

For them, farming is much more than a business, it is a lifestyle, a passion and an opportunity to create a small piece of paradise.

They run their farm as a sheep and beef breeding unit and gain a great deal of satisfaction out of seeing improvements in their ewe flock and herd of Hereford cows.

Their overriding farming policy is to improve individual animal performance as opposed to intensification. They now grow considerably more lambs form 300 less ewes than they did 26 years ago. This has really positive benefits economically and environmentally.

Anne and Alex have enhanced and beautified their farm over the years by retiring land and planting over 5000 exotic deciduous trees. They love the seasonal diversity these trees offer, especially in autumn when they become a blaze of colour.

Waitui Kuratau

Waituhi Kuratau Station is an iconic Maori Owned property, managed by the Waitui Kuratau Trust and is situated in the South West corner of the Lake Taupo Catchment.

Farmed in a manner that preserves the property for all the generations that follow, while balancing the needs of the current generation of owners.

Approximately 2,500ha in size, it has over 500ha in conservation or riparian native vegetation with a further 100ha in plantation forest.

Close to 500ha is devoted to an innovative sheep milking operation and 1,500ha is a beef and sheep breeding and finishing farm.


Each year some 1,000 cattle and 12-15,000 lambs are finished.

Ali Reid and his team have very ably managed the station since 2005 and they are a truely valued supplier of 'Taupo Beef'. 

© 2016 by Taupo Beef & Lamb.

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